SMART brain training teaches kids how to learn at school

Brain Training App for Schools
SMART Brain Training App at increases kids’ ability to learn and can significantly raise IQ as measured on standard IQ tests.

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Dr. Sarah Cassidy from RaiseYourIQ was recently invited to Confey College to address all teaching and ancillary staff to update them on the results of the school deployment of SMART brain training to-date. Confey College was the first second level education school to use SMART brain training on a whole school basis. SMART training was initially rolled out to four student groups (122 students) and will now be rolled out to the remaining 28 student groups comprising approximately another 700 students.

In the update to the teaching staff at Confey College, Dr. Cassidy explained the science behind SMART brain training and how relational skills underlie all intelligent behaviour. She also provided a history of the training programme and discussed the results of a number of different research programmes which are successfully using the SMART brain training course. Finally, Dr. Cassidy also discussed the exciting results of the Confey College data collection so far. The school is now reaping the benefits of Brain Training and some of the results to-date includes (a) Fifth year students with statistically significant rises in their (Differential Ability Test) DATS scores for Numerical Reasoning at the 0.001 level and (b) First year students saw statistically significant rises in their verbal reasoning scores on the Drumcondra Reasoning Test (DRT) p =.0425, df = 28, t value = 1.788 in a 1 tailed analysis. Dr. Cassidy had the agreement of the teaching staff when discussing how SMART training could revolutionise education and make curricula more easily accessible for all students, not just those who already find learning easy, but for those whom we very rarely have the resources to adequately support. SMART training is an empowering brain training tool that is considered a revolution in “psychological science”. About Confey College: Confey College is a co-educational Community College in Leixlip, County Kildare. The school opened in 1986 and has approximately 750 students at present and about 50 staff members.

Smart Brain Training is based on relational skills training. The course and methodology were devised by co-founders Dr. Sarah Cassidy and Dr. Bryan Roche, both of whom are psychologists and behaviour analysts. RaiseYourIQ have developed a specific platform for schools. To learn more about brain training for schools, the science and the research, please visit

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