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Science. But Feels Like Games.

RaiseYourIQ Classic Game

Our classic SMART 55-level brain training game for kids and adults ages 9 to 99! Additional advanced levels are available for those who master all 55 levels. For younger kids or those struggling with basic reasoning, try our KidStarter game (requires supervision).


  • IQ score rises
  • Language skills improve
  • Scholastic ability improves
  • Vocabulary expands
  • Mathematical ability improves
  • Our customers cite improved attention span

KidStarter (4 to 8 years)

A SMART-based game designed for children who are not yet ready for our original RYIQ SMART game. This is played with a parent’s assistance. It helps younger children, and older children struggling with reasoning, to recognize and understand the physical and abstract relationships between words and objects. KidStarter training provided a crucial stepping stone to advanced intellectual development.


  • Boosts visual processing
  • Increases reasoning fluency
  • Attention span increases
  • Language skills improve
  • Mathematical ability improves
  • IQ score rises

Speed Game

Our RaiseYourIQ Brain Speed game will improve and speed up your information and visual processing skills. Speed of response is an important component of intelligent behavior. This game helps enhance not just your ability to reason accurately, but the speed at which you can do so.

Play our Speed game to enhance your ability to rapidly read, do arithmetic and solve other mathematical equations required at school, work and in everyday life.


  • Improves information processing
  • Boosts visual processing 
  • Increases reasoning fluency


  • Select any training stage to increase or decrease the level of difficulty 
  • Game automatically adapts to the user’s skill level in real-time
  • Time limit to respond can be adjusted to increase or lessen difficulty

Agility Game

The ability to switch tasks easily is central to intellectual ability.  It is as important to be able to pivot to a new and workable problem-solving strategy. This executive functioning skill is important for a range of organizational tasks at school, work and in everyday life. People who can shift quickly between tasks and prioritize projects tend to be more efficient. The Agility game challenges your brain to switch between different types of relational reasoning tasks, moving from trial to trial and within a set time limit. 


  • Improves ability to work faster
  • Multitask with ease
  • Enhances ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking


Working memory is an extremely important aspect of general intelligence, so much so that measures of working memory are often used as a quick guide to general intelligence levels. While there is more to general intelligence than simply being able to bring up information using short-term memory to solve problems, it is an extremely important skill for many aspects of classroom success. 

Our custom-built SMART reasoning training challenges you to solve problems after the task has been set forth, but is removed from the screen before the player must give the answer. Users can increase the degree of challenge by increasing the length of time they must retain the information in memory before they answer the problem.


  • Improves memory
  • Retaining and recalling information

Mindfulness (Helps manage General and School Anxiety)

We are strong supporters of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) approach which has over 1000 published, randomized control trials proving its effectiveness as a psychotherapeutic treatment for a whole host of psychological difficulties. We have included some of the more common ACT practices and metaphors that you will come across within ACT literature. We offer some of our favorite practices for each of the ACT processes. Additionally, we have included a few brief discussions on what some of those processes are. Our brain games offer a range of practice levels for all ages, with some practices designed specifically for children and others tailored to teens and adults. 

Finally, we have included some personal practices we have gathered from listening to our friends, who are not only clinicians and academics, but professionals who have made mindfulness part of their daily practice.

You will see in the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science ACBS website that ACT has been successful in treating a wide range of physical and psychological difficulties that are, more often than not, fairly treatment-resistant. ACT is now recognized by the American Psychological Association as a gold standard treatment for coping with chronic pain.

ACT is also being used for working with treatment refractory OCD at Harvard University’s McLean Hospital for inpatient pediatric sufferers. Additionally, ACT has also been shown to be effective for a host of other neurological difficulties. For example, workplace stress, test anxiety, social anxiety disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and psychosis. It has further been used to help treat medical conditions such as chronic pain, substance abuse, and diabetes.


  • Helps with stress, anxiety, social anxiety, depression
  • Helps with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Helps with chronic, substance abuse, and diabetes

Custom Game for Dyslexic Learners

Our classic suite of brain training games has been customized to help dyslexic children, teens and adults learn to read. Our method combines the proven SMART technique with a method designed to enhance your ability to fluently differentiate letters and sequences of letters, as well as sequences of words. It parallels proven classroom methods for helping to improve reading for dyslexic learners. 


  • IQ score rises; proven to help some children move from the Dyslexic Stream to Mainstream
  • Language skills improve
  • Attention span increases
  • Vocabulary expands
  • Mathematical ability improves

FAST Training

The Function Acquisition Speed Test (FAST) brain training tool is an emotional flexibility training program designed to measure and alter the strength of mental associations. Being emotionally flexible means being able to respond calmly to challenging situations and to deal more calmly with troubling thoughts and emotions. Many of the FAST games we provide in our suite are best suited for adults and clinical clients, but many are suitable for all ages as general emotional openness and flexibility training tools.


  • Can help users become more resilient to anger, sadness, and self-criticism
  • Helps users deal with compulsive urges and avoidance of difficult siutuations
  • Loosens rigid responses to change such as a change in routine
  • Improves emotional responses to adversity


  • Measures rigidity of mental associations
  • Progressively loosens rigid emotional response or thoughts
  • Allows users to train to reach target emotional flexibility scores
  • Based on scientifically proven Acceptance & Commitment Therapy techniques

Dual N-Back for Working Memory

The dual n-back system has been proven in published research to enhance working memory. Working memory refers to our capacity to be free from distraction and hold large amounts of information in mind while solving problems and making complex decisions. It is a key component of general intelligence. Our Dual n-back training is a fun way to enhance working memory. N-back training is a well-researched game-based exercise designed to enhance working memory. Research suggest the following benefits:


  • Improved Working Memory (holding and manipulating information)
  • Enhanced Fluid Intelligence (the ability to reason and solve new problems independently of acquired knowledge)
  • Better Attention and Focus (attentional control, increased focus)
  • Increased Cognitive Flexibility (switching attention)