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Is SMART Brain Training for Kids and Adults the same?

The brain training methods for all users are essentially the same. Users will choose a learning pathway based on their age and ability under Account Settings. However SMART for children has colorful backgrounds and animated characters making for an engaging and fun learning experience. Adults also have the option of taking an advanced learning pathway through the training and skipping some of the easier stages. Regardless of whether you want to raise your IQ for school, professional or personal development, our RaiseYourIQ brain training is effective and takes around four months to complete.

What is a Relational Skill?

A relational skill involves understanding the relationship between similar or related concepts. For example, understanding the relationships between a set of cousins, that a particular group of plants are all of the same type (e.g., flowers), and that a Poodle is a type of dog but a dog is not a type of Poodle, are all examples of basic relational skills. Of course, they can be much more complicated than this!

The relational skills we all need to understand high-level mathematics or to read and speak articulately require more advanced skills. RaiseYourIQ helps to establish a range of basic but crucial relational skills and can elevate our relational skills to expert level. This means we arrive at solutions to the intellectual tasks we face in our daily lives more easily and quickly. In short, RaiseYourIQ training makes you a faster and more effective learner. Following training, new information makes more sense, and we find ourselves thinking more quickly, more clearly and more rationally.

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Will I be learning math or reading by using SMART?

No. RaiseYourIQ teaches you how to learn and how to think clearly and logically. It doesn’t teach any content such as math, reading or otherwise. And yet SMART makes learning math and solving logical problems so much easier. Think of it as supercharging your reasoning ability.

What does SMART training involve?

SMART involves learning how to answer abstract logical questions, first with feedback, and then on your own without help. For each question, players have 30 seconds to answer the brain teaser. During training phases, SMART will inform you whether or not your answer is correct, but once the test begins for each stage, you will need to answer all of the questions independently without feedback. Once you pass the test, you will move on to the next training level.

You collect points as you progress through each stage. And, you can also earn bonus points for revising earlier levels of the game! The more you revise what you have already mastered, the smarter you get!

How long does SMART brain training take to complete?

The game takes approximately four months to complete.

How is SMART “Brain Training” method different?

SMART is not like any other form of brain training game. At RaiseYourIQ, we prefer the term “intellectual skills training” although we often speak of brain training to keep things easier for users. SMART has been developed by education leaders and psychologists over nearly two decades of research in schools and Universities.  It is the only intellectual skills training system that has, according to several independent studies, been proven to increase a range of intellectual abilities using standardized objective psychometric tests.  It is also the only existing “brain training” system with any publicly available, peer-reviewed scientific support.  

SMART brain training does not merely improve working memory, or teach users how to perform well on IQ tests, but provides practice at the very skills underlying the everyday tasks we would all like to be better at. Decades of university-based scientific research has helped us to identify the fundamental skills that underlie everyday tasks in school and work. These are “relational skills” and they are the foundation for problem solving, reasoning, language acquisition and expansion as well as mathematical skills and reading. RaiseYourIQ is unique because it is the only system that trains fundamental relational skills. We all know that many people struggling with academic tasks or with reasoning difficulties have already tried practice at those tasks! This only helps a little – especially when the foundational skills are not well established in the first instance. For example, the SMART system leads to improvements in vocabulary without teaching any vocabulary content. It leads to improvements in verbal and mathematical reasoning without teaching any verbal reasoning or mathematics.  Instead, it targets the scientifically-proven foundations of intellectual development. And so not surprisingly, our methodology is the only scientifically supported system ever developed for increasing general intellectual ability to degrees that make a real difference. And this has been confirmed by several published independent studies, reviews and meta-analyses. 


The RaiseYourIQ SMART methodology has been found in several published studies to enhance;

  • Verbal Comprehension – the ability to listen to a question and draw upon learned information
  • Perceptual Reasoning -the ability to examine a problem, organize thoughts, create solutions, and then test them
  • Processing Speed – the ability to quickly scan, discriminate between items and order visual information
  • Working Memory – the ability to memorize new information, hold it in short-term memory while making decisions
  • General Intelligence – a measure of numerous intellectual skills combined.

Read more about the science of SMART here. 

What age group can benefit from SMART brain training?

At RaiseYourIQ, we recommend that a person needs to have a mental age of at least 8 years old to engage fully with our training. However, we do offer one tool called KidStarter aimed at children aged 4-8 years or older kids with language delay. This does not come with an IQ assessment before and after training but is a gateway tool to prepare children for the classic RaiseYourIQ SMART training. There is no upper limit; older adults will benefit from the training, just as young people do. Our SMART brain training method helps maintain peak mental performance, no matter your age or profession.  One published study found that the RaiseYourIQ training staved off the advance of the cognitive effects of Alzheimer’s disease for several years.

Can I get a free trial?

Yes, we offer a 3-day free trial that includes a complimentary intelligence assessment. For teachers and clinicians, we offer a 10-day trial, no credit card required. This allows you to evaluate the program and decide. Signing up could not be easier! Simply click here to get started.

It is very important we request pertinent information. This allows us to give you the best possible training experience. Remember, SMART brain training is tailored to each user. Without your profile information, we cannot select the right default level of training for you, or provide accurate IQ information following your assessments. Alter your learning profile at any stage under your account settings.

Why do you need my personal details during registration?

It is very important we request certain information. This allows us to give you the best possible training experience. Remember, SMART brain training is tailored to each user. Without your profile information, we cannot select the right default level of training for you, or provide accurate IQ information following your assessments. Alter your learning profile at any stage under your account settings.

Can I use SMART brain training on my iPad or tablet?

Yes. SMART brain training site has been optimized to work on iPad and other portable computer devices. It also works across all browsers including Safari, Chrome, Explorer and Firefox. All the lessons and your progress are stored under your account profile regardless of what device or app you are using to access the RaiseYourIQ site.

Do you offer n-Back Training?

Yes, RaiseYourIQ offers dual n-back training as part of the suite of tools. Dual n-back training is a working memory training task that has been proven to raise fluid intelligence to a reasonable degree.

What does IQ mean?

IQ stands for “Intelligent Quotient.” It is a score that you can obtain by taking a specially designed test. It is usually delivered by a qualified psychologist to assess a child or adult’s level of intelligence. A person’s IQ level should be interpreted in conjunction with several other factors but most modern psychologists consider IQ as a general indicator of intelligence. The Intelligent Quotient (IQ) measure is used in schools, education institutions, and business as a measure of general intellectual ability. It can be used as a predictor of academic achievement and in a corporate setting, a predictor for job performance.

How is IQ measured?

IQ is measured on a numerical scale with 100 always serving as the average score. A person’s IQ is scored following the completion of a standardized IQ test. An IQ score of under 70 represents a significant difference from average intelligence, whereas a score of 90-109 is interpreted as average.  Scores over 110 are classified as high average, while those over 120 are classified as intellectually superior. While useful for certain contexts, most psychologists understand that IQ scores represent an oversimplification of a person’s full cognitive ability.