Independent Evidence that SMART Training Increases IQ

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Training in relational skills using the RaiseYourIQ SMART brain training system increases intelligence and improves school attainment

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A new independent study has been published in the British Journal of Educational Psychology, Relational Frame Theory showing that twice weekly training in relational skills using the SMART system available at brain training system not only increases intelligence but also improves school attainment, in spelling, reading and numerical operations.

The recent independent study by Hayes and Stewart (2016) employed a sample of twenty eight 10-11 year old children. The group was split randomly in half, and was matched for baseline IQ and gender. One group was randomly assigned to engage in one line relational skills training (SMART), for typically two one-hour session per week for a total of 29 hours. The other half engaged in online Scratch™ training for the same periods. (Scratch™ is an online computer coding programme developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to teach children computer coding in a gamified environment). All children were assessed at the outset using the WASI brief IQ test, WIAT-II reading ability subtests (Reading, Spelling & Numerical Operations), subtests of the WISC-IV IQ test (Letter Number Sequencing & Digit Span) and the Drumcondra Primary Reading and Mathematics Tests (Revised), which is a widely used standardised scholastic ability test used in the Irish national school system.

For the SMART group, statistically significant improvements in overall intellectual performance were recorded, as well as in academic attainment, including spelling, reading, and numerical operations. No improvements on any of the measures were recorded for the Scratch™ group. The publication of this study represents yet further evidence that relational skills underlie human intelligence, and that training in these skills increases overall scholastic ability. Not only is the case mounting for the Relational Frame Theory account of human intelligence, but for SMART as the only scientifically supported form of brain training shown in multiple studies to increase general intelligence and scholastic ability.

For further information on relational skills training, visit Brain Training

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