Brain Training Can Improve IQ
Is there proof that brain training can improve IQ? Let us go through some of the scientific evidence and separate out claims from fact.
Is there proof that brain training can improve IQ? Let us go through some of the scientific evidence and separate out claims from fact.
We’re getting more stupid. That’s one point made in a recent article in the New Scientist, reporting on a gradual decline in IQs in developed countries such as the UK, Australia and the Netherlands. Such research feeds into a long-held fascination with testing human intelligence. Yet such debates are too focused on IQ as a life-long trait that can’t be changed. Other research is beginning to show the opposite.
Dr. Shane McLoughlin of John Moores University, Liverpool has recently published a study from his doctoral thesis, that reports on a large scale trial of the SMART programme (Strengthening Mental Abilities through Relational Training) in a secondary school in Ireland.
A study published in the very prestigious science journal Psychological Medicine, reported that people in the higher IQ ranges (scores of 120 or more), are happier than those in the lower ranges (scores of 77-99).
Dr. Sarah Cassidy from RaiseYourIQ was recently invited to Confey College to address all teaching and ancillary staff to update them on the results of the school deployment of SMART brain training to-date.
Examining the relationship between genes and environment in determining general intelligence.
Boost your child’s academic performance with RaiseYourIQ’s SMART training, the premier online brain training game.
Brain training can nurture the genius in all of us. The idea that our Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is an inherited trait that is fixed for life is a common but mistaken one.
SMART Brain Training App at increases kids’ ability to learn and can significantly raise IQ as measured on standard IQ tests.
Learn how IQ tests measure diverse skills like memory, reasoning, and language, rather than a fixed trait.
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