Independent Meta Analysis finds positive effects for SMART brain training
Peer-reviewed independent Meta Analysis finds positive effects for SMART brain training.
Peer-reviewed independent Meta Analysis finds positive effects for SMART brain training.
Article by Dr. Ian Tyndall outlines why the SMART approach is creating better contexts for cognitive training and development.
Research project grant to examine the efficacy of SMART brain training in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis patients.
Relational responding as trained in our SMART cognitive brain training programme, is central to what it means to be intelligent.
Research project grant to examine the efficacy of SMART brain training in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis patients.
Podcast Part 1: Impact of SMART Brain Training on Human Lives
The story and development of SMART brain training.
Dr. Sarah Cassidy from RaiseYourIQ talks about parenting in extraordinary times. Sarah Cassidy, Ph.D., is an Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychologist. This article on Parenting in extraordinary times was first published in the ABAI (Association for Behavior Analysis International and is republished with kind permission of Louse McHugh.
Is there proof that brain training can improve IQ? Let us go through some of the scientific evidence and separate out claims from fact.
We’re getting more stupid. That’s one point made in a recent article in the New Scientist, reporting on a gradual decline in IQs in developed countries such as the UK, Australia and the Netherlands. Such research feeds into a long-held fascination with testing human intelligence. Yet such debates are too focused on IQ as a life-long trait that can’t be changed. Other research is beginning to show the opposite.
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